How can I make a complaint?
We want students to enjoy themselves! If students are unhappy about anything we ask that they come and speak to a member of staff, as soon as possible. The Principal, Director of Studies, Accommodation Manager, Campus Manager and Head of Junior and Group Programmes are happy to talk to you, in confidence (private) if you wish, and will do everything we can to help.
If you are a parent/guardian and wish to make a complaint please email
If we cannot solve the problem immediately to your satisfaction we may ask you to put your complaint in writing. We will then respond in writing.
If we are unable to resolve the situation our professional organisation, English UK provides an Ombudsman’s service. English UK will attempt to mediate but if this fails and you are still dissatisfied, the complaint can be put to the independent Ombudsman, who will issue an adjudication which it is binding on Melton College to accept. This service is available to all students at English UK schools you can find the details here:
You can also raise a complaint through AccreditationUK (British Council) IALC also has a complaints procedure.
Refunds are made in accordance with the College Booking Conditions. Please note, if you paid through an agent then the refund can only be made through the agent.