Hello, I'm Jake. I am the Safeguarding Lead for Melton College. If you are unhappy, worried, sad or just want to talk, come and see me! You can always find me around the College.
Welfare and Safeguarding Lead
Hello, I'm Jake. I am the Safeguarding Lead for Melton College. If you are unhappy, worried, sad or just want to talk, come and see me! You can always find me around the College.
Safe and Happy Language Learning. What do we mean? We want to do three things: 1. Help you learn English. 2. Help you to be happy. 3 Keep you safe.
Safeguarding means protecting you from things that would hurt or upset you. To do this, we will be making some choices for you. Sometimes our choice will not be your choice, but your safety is the most import thing!
What you can do (and what you cannot do)
Away from home and in a different country, some rules will be different. We know there are things you want to do. We know there are things you are allowed to do. We know there are things it is safe to do. We will make sure you're always in the middle of all three of those things, keeping you happy, safe, and out of trouble.
Problem? Come and talk to us
The easiest way to solve a problem is to talk. We are always ready to listen and we are always ready to try to help.
If you are worried, upset or frightened, or if you are just unsure about something, we are here for you. Jake, Denise or Andrew will always be available to talk if you need or feel like it.
Come and tell us
If you are happy - let us know! It will help us understand you and help us make other students happy as well! Your feedback can help us to improve the course.
Dont worry
It can be difficult to talk about something embarrassing, but we can help you by listening. We will not laugh and we will not tell everyone. The thing worrying you has probably happened to lots of other students before.
Melton College has been here for 60 years! A lot has happened in that time and we have talked to lots of students, so we are sure we can help you to feel better.
All about bullying
A bully is someone who makes you feel scared, unhappy, embarrassed or frightened. A bully often tries to make you do things you don't want to do. We have an Anti-bullying Policy and we will stop any bully as soon as we know about it. But we need to know about it so we know the best way to help.
Anyone can be a bully, and anyone can be bullied. We will listen and we will act. If you think you have done something which has hurt someone, or frightened them, or upset them, maybe you feel bad too? We will listen to you and we can help you to put things right.
What can I do?
Sometimes, there people who want to hurt other people or to do things they should not do. We are here to listen to you and to help you, and try to protect you if something bad happens.
We will not keep secrets. We may have to talk to the right people to help you, but we will only talk to people who we need to talk to.
Everyone gets homesick sometimes. It is part of being away from home.
Homesickness can appear in lots of ways. You may cry after phone calls, or have stomachaches or find it difficult to join in with activities and classes. We can help you to feel better and to focus on the good things.
It's always good to talk!
We are here to listen and do whatever we can to make sure you are happy and safe in York.
It is difficult to learn if you feel unsafe or unhappy. That's why these two rings are round your language learning!