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Melton College, York. Safer Recruitment Policy

Melton College, York. Safer Recruitment Policy


Melton College runs courses for families, older adult students (aged 40+) and for juniors. We manage our own Homestay provision, and also run a small hotel in the building next to the College. Our Policy documents relating to Safeguarding are review at least annually by the DSL, Principal and Academic Manager, with the review date shown under the title. If circumstances dictate, the policies are review more regularly, for example in response to an incident or to take account of statute.

All information is stored either in our HR Safe or on a secure server for no more than the time needed to follow best practice. Successful candidates will have to submit original documents, from which we will take and authenticate copies which will then be filed in our HR Safe.

12 steps are taken to ensure that at all times the recruitment process is robust:

1. Advertising for staff
2. All adverts will outline the requirements for working at Melton College. These are:
a. A commitment to safeguarding
b. An understanding and commitment to the ethos and aims of the College
c. The right to work in the UK
d. A completed application form
e. A minimum of two references, sought by the College, not pre-prepared testimonials
f. A recent DBS (ideally, participation in the update service)
3. All applicants, whether responding to an advert or contacting the College through the website or by other means will be sent an application form to complete. This must be completed in full or will be rejected
4. All application forms will be considered by at least two members of the College team
5. Interviews are carried out via video call or in person where possible. Interviews are, if possible, conducted by two members of staff and (if in person) will be preceded by a tour of the building. Interviews will cover questions appropriate to the role sought but will always include:
a. A detailed consideration of the application form – including a clarification of any remaining ambiguities (NB, gaps, will have caused the application to be rejected)
b. A discussion of the candidate’s knowledge of and attitude to Safeguarding
c. A clear statement confirming that there is no reason not to offer employment
6. Shortlisted candidates must provide referees which can be contacted (and if need be, pursued) before starting. Ideally, the College would like to contact at least one referee prior to interview. The College reserved the right to also approach previous employers. Any concerns are addressed before appointment. Online searches may also be carried out
7. Shortlisted candidates will be notified as soon as possible if the College:
a. Is minded to offer a position
b. Will not be offering a position
8. Once acceptable references have been received, candidates will be offered a “Statement of Main Terms” (SMT), to be read in conjunction with the College Employee Handbook. The SMT includes a declaration regarding their suitability to work with under 18s. Note, this is in addition to a DBS
All checks must be completed before staff can start any regulated activity.
9. For the successful candidates, appropriate criminal checks are carried out Additional checks may be sought for those applying for have worked in mainstream education -e.g. the Prohibited List check, completed via the Teacher Regulation Agency for those in the UK or by alternative methods -e.g. letter of Professional Conduct/references etc for those who have worked in mainstream education within the EEA.
10. On acceptance of the SMT candidates change status to New Starters.
11. New Starters will be expected to come to College will originals of all necessary paperwork and, in addition, to complete a “New Starter” form for H&S and payroll.
12. New Starters will receive access to Basecamp, Bright and a Staff Log-in to the College website. They will receive necessary induction in the use of these and will, as part of their induction, need to review all necessary College Policies, especially relating to Safeguarding. Throughout this process, they will be encouraged to seek any clarification necessary from the Principal, Academic Manager, Campus Manager, HR and Compliance Manager or Designated Safeguarding Lead

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